Message From a Nomad

When I was younger I had this idea that I was a nomad. At one point in my life my AIM screen name was actually NomadGurlsomethingsomethingsomething. I didn’t think that I was actually like a gypsy or something, but because I moved around a lot and I traveled a lot, it was very hard to place myself somewhere that I felt I was home.  For example, if people asked me where I was from in fifth grade I might say: well I live in Arizona but my family is from Louisiana but never actually lived in Louisiana so I don’t really feel comfortable saying that I’m from Louisiana so I’m not exactly sure how to answer your question.

For a long time, my lack of a traditional hometown was confusing to me but eventually it became something that I felt proud of, something that I embraced. When I moved to Virginia, my dad retired and I soon went to college. Then it was like Holy crap — I’ve lived here for like seven years I guess I’m from Virginia. Today, I’m in an exciting season. I get to travel abroad, I get to see the world and I’m getting ready to graduate which means I can literally move anywhere I want to. Anywhere that there’s a job that will pay me and where I can live safely. I think that’s why I’m so excited to go to South Africa today. Although it’s a little scary because I’ve never been there, in some ways it’s like being back in my comfort zone. I have no idea what to expect and I think there’s something very, very liberating in the experience of being a wannabe nomad. 

Me and my parents, before leaving from JFK
Me and my parents, before leaving from New York City


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